Make a Tax-Deductible Donation

You can make a huge difference in the life of a child in Merger, Haiti through the Institute of Grace School Scholarship Fund    . Your contribution will help to ensure that a child at Ecole Gerny Filostin has a chance at a brighter future.
Miracia Hospital
Make A One-Time Contribution
Your secure, one-time contribution of any amount will go towards sponsoring children at the primary school.    

Missionary Trip
Make Recurring Donations
For $26 per month, you can make a difference by sponsoring a child's school fees at Ecole Gerny Filostin.    
Donate Now
Please indicate the number of children you would like to sponsor each month.

I would like to sponsor 1 child ($26/month)
I would like to sponsor 2 children ($52/month)
I would like to sponsor 3 children ($78/month)
I would like to sponsor 4 children ($104/month)
I would like to sponsor 5 children ($130/month)